Apache GuacamoleApache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC and RDP. Directions: Be sure to change the Host port from 8080 to something else as 8080 is quite a common port. /config : this path is where Apache Guacamole will store it's properties files, extensions, and the database which contains data for users and connections. Initial username and password are guacadmin
Community Apps
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Apache GuacamoleApache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC and RDP. Note: This version comes without MariaDB and requires some external database source or to use the default authentication. Directions: Be sure to change the Host port from 8080 to something else as 8080 is quite a common port. /config : this path is where Apache Guacamole will store it's properties files, extensions, and the database which contains data for users and connections. Initial username and password are guacadmin

Network Services• Management, Web, Productivity
A link dashboard that can be managed without any code. Ideal for service listings on your server. Heavily inspired by Homer dashboard and aims to provide the same functionality with one major change, No yaml required! All links can be managed via the UI including dragging and dropping your links to re-order or change groups. New pages and links can be added via the UI, as can global settings such as the app title, icon and theme. Author: Jeremy Graham https://jez.me/

Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
A lightweight server monitoring hub with historical data, docker stats, and alerts.

Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Agent for Beszel -- a lightweight server monitoring hub.

Home Automation, Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Docker image to run Bitnami OpenLDAP. Check project site for configuration info
breitbandmessung-de beta
Home Automation, Network Services• Management, Other, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
A script to enable customers of lazy ISPs to perform measurement campaigns of the connection speed as described here in an automated way. https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Breitband/Breitbandmessung/start.html Go to the Config directory and create a file called "config.cfg" with the content: timezone=Europe/Berlin crontab=* /2 * * run_once=true run_on_startup=true For a hourly cronjob to check your connection.

Monitors local services and reports any issues to the Checkmk server.

Monitors local services and reports any issues to the Checkmk server.

Monitors local services and reports any issues to the Checkmk server.

Checkmk 2.3.0 beta
Network Services• Management, Plugins, Tools / Utilities• System
Monitors local services and reports any issues to the Checkmk server.
Network Services• Management, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Bash script running as cronjob in Docker to update CloudFlare DNS records.
Selfhosters Unraid Discord Repository
Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
This small Alpine Linux based Docker image will allow you to use the free CloudFlare DNS Service as a Dynamic DNS Provider (DDNS). Variable:EMAIL: Your Cloudflare email. Variable:API_KEY: A Zone-DNS API Key to be created on the following page: https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens Variable:ZONE: Your domain name. e.g. example.com Variable:SUBDOMAIN: Your subdomain. e.g. sub.example.com (Only enter subdomain name, not entire address!) Variable:PROXIED: Set this to true if the domain is using the Cloudflare proxy (CDN). Defaults to false Variable:RRTYPE: Set to AAAA to use set IPv6 records instead of IPv4 records. Defaults to A for IPv4 records. NOTE: AAAA: You will also need to run docker with IPv6 support, or run the container with host networking enabled.

Network Services• Management, Web, Productivity
An open source, privacy focused discussion platform.

Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Backend Container for an UI for LANcache. Note: Also add the DNS line if you errors in the container logs that it can't get the manifests due to a 401 unauthorized. Also use --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 as extra parameters if you get problems, when using IPv6. !!!backend and frontend containers MUST run in the same custom user bridge/custom user network!!!

Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Frontend Container for an UI for LANcache. Note: Use --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 as extra parameters if you get problems, when using IPv6. !!!backend and frontend containers MUST run in the same custom user bridge/custom user network!!!

Network Services• Management, Other, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
A very simple Debian-based container packed with useful network troubleshooting tools. The following packages are included: bash, curl, iputils-ping, iperf, iproute2, procps, python3, pythin3-pip, net-tools, vnstat, mtr, tcptraceroute, openssh-client, openssl, tcpdump, dnsutils, wget gnupg, mosquitto-clients, and speedtest-cli. Also included is cloudflarepycli, an excellent utility for running Cloudflare speedtests. Please feel free to send suggestions or additional package ideas that will make this more useful.

Cloud, Network Services• Management, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Docker Registry is used to store and distribute Docker images using HTTP API. This allows you host your own private Registry and store your images. Uses official Docker Registry image @ https://hub.docker.com/_/registry/ Configuration /mnt/user/appdata/registry This is where Registry will store it's data. Port 5000 Default connection port

This is an all-in-one Docker image for running the Ubiquiti Network Management System. This image contains all the components required to run UISP in a single container and uses the s6-overlay for process management. The Docker image, nico640/docker-unms, is not maintained by or affiliated with Ubiquiti Networks. You should not expect any support from Ubiquiti when running UISP (formerly UNMS) using this image. In-app upgrades will not work. You can upgrade UISP by downloading the latest version of this image.

Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager.

Network Services• Management, Other, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Simple UI driven way to manage updates and notifications for Docker containers.

Network Services• Management, Web, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Dokémon is a friendly GUI for managing Docker Containers. You can manage multiple servers from a single Dokemon instance.

Network Services• Management, Web, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Dokémon-Agent to connect to a Dokémon-Server to manage multiple docker servers from a single webui

ElastiFlow™ provides deep insights into your network traffic, for increased performance and security. Check the documentation of the project and modify the enviroment variables at your will.

Network Services• Management, Other
Gets external IP via DIG command ( OpenDNS , Cloudflare, google ) on a scheduled basis that can be customized. Also includes the ability to alert you via pushover if the IP changes.
Network Services• Management, Web, Other, Other, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Fluidd is a free and open-source Klipper web interface for managing your 3d printer. You should be able to connect to Moonraker over the network. Just click on the three dots (menu) in the upper right corner and add your printer. WARNING : Don't forget to put you're real IP adress for the camera to work in this webui (ip of the local machine)

Network Services• Management, Other, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Glances is an open-source system cross-platform monitoring tool. It allows real-time monitoring of various aspects of your system such as CPU, memory, disk, network usage etc. It also allows monitoring of running processes, logged in users, temperatures, voltages, fan speeds etc. It also supports container monitoring, it supports different container management systems such as Docker, LXC. The information is presented in an easy to read dashboard and can also be used for remote monitoring of systems via a web interface or command line interface. It is easy to install and use and can be customized to show only the information that you are interested in.

Network Services• Management, Web, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
GPTWOL is a simple and lightweight Wake on Lan GUI made with python to wake up your computers on your LAN.

Grafana is an open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, Elasticsearch, OpenTSDB, Prometheus and InfluxDB.

Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Loki: like Prometheus, but for logs. Loki is a horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to be very cost effective and easy to operate. It does not index the contents of the logs, but rather a set of labels for each log stream. Download the local-config.yaml file from https://github.com/natcoso9955/unRAID-docker/blob/master/configs/loki/local-config.yaml before you start the container. Will need to be placed into your Host Path 1 directory.