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Unraid is a powerful, easy-to-use operating system for self-hosted servers and network-attached storage. Make the most out of your hardware—no matter what kind of drive you have on hand.

极速赛车一分钟官方开奖网站 极速赛车一分钟历史开奖结果查询 168开奖记录查询结果 The possibilities are limitless with Unraid

Simplify 1716 x 1042 px 6

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Say goodbye to a closet full of mismatched drives—and hello to the most flexible operating system for network-attached storage you’ll ever use. Unraid OS lets you use what you have to build what you want. 

Img docker
Docker Applications

Run applications and manage data on the same server

Unraid’s simple UI makes it easy to manage your entire stack of Docker applications. Add new applications from the hundreds of user-created templates in Community Apps, or use your own!

Img VM
Virtual Machines

Work and create even faster

Pass through a graphics card to enable gaming or video editing. Allow network-free file access for high-speed file transfers. The possibilities are endless.

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Img Build For You

Built for you. Built by you.

We built the operating system we wanted to use. Mix and match hard drives of any size to build your server and grow your storage capacity.

Img Build Different

Built different

Unraid is more than a product—we’re a community. With countless guides, video tutorials, use cases, and communities in just about every social platform and language, you will always feel supported on your journey. We can’t wait to see what you build.

Img Build To Last

Built to last

If you can imagine it, you can build it with Unraid. From simple storage solutions to game server hosting, we evolve with you however you decide to scale.

在赛马的网站上 提供 新极速赛车-开奖直播和历史走势 精准开奖号码走势计划分析 I've been using Unraid for a few years now. I absolutely love it. My girlfriend suggests I love Unraid more than her... she might be right.  What I enjoy most is discovering new things I can run on my server, setting them up, then watch as they work flawlessly from then on. It just works.

Img Community App Thumbnail

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Run popular applications like AdGuard, Pi-hole, Home Assistant, and Plex right from your Unraid server. Don’t see what you need? Submit your own app and share it with the entire community!

Img Limitless Possibilities

Limitless Possibilities

From local file storage, gaming, content creation, and everything in between, Unraid OS allows you to get the most out of your rig. If you are in need of some homelab inspiration, you've come to the right place!

Img Pricing 1

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With affordable options starting at just $49, we have a license for everyone.

Img Trial 2024 02 08 212242 rczx

Try before you buy

Not sure if Unraid is right for you? Take Unraid for a test drive for 30 days—no credit card required.

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